Drukpa Advanture 12 nights 13 days.

Its 13 days luxuries tour mixed with different activates that you are going to experience in one tour with high level of services. You will come across real beauty of culture and traditional within these 13 days which had been preserved by youth and proud to explore unique life style of Drukpa people .Covered by snow capped at north, impenetrable forest of south and white washed monuments with different colors of prayer flags complements to create beautiful and peace in whole. So why not experience these fun-filled and exciting events in the birth place of “Gross National Happiness”.

Day 1

You will be received by our representative at Paro international airport and drive towards valley. It is without doubt one of the loveliest in Bhutan. Willow trees and apple orchards line many of the roads, white washed farm house and temples complement the green terraced fields and forested hills on either side to create a beautiful, organic and peaceful in whole. After checking into hotel and having done with refreshment. Visit watch tower, built in 1656 and used as museum for several years and now it is shifted into administration building, as it was streaked by earthquake and renovation project is being approved by government. Now drive down to huge structure know as Dzong in national language and fortress in common built by Zhabdrung, man who came to Bhutan in year 1616 from Tibet . It was built on the foundation of mediation cave founded by Guru Rimpoche.

Have lunch in town

Drive towards north of Paro town for about 25 minutes to walk around ruin of Drugyel Dzong built in 1646 which hold lots of historic background between Bhutanese and Tibetan invasion. Way back to town make visit to oldest temple Kitchu Lhakhang built in 7th centuries by Tibetan king Tsongtsen Gongpo . Scroll around Paro town came up from year 1985.

Halt in Paro Hotel

Upgrading of hotel to higher level like Amman, Uma, Zhiwaling… can be done by bearing extra expenses by clients themselves.

Day 2

Early breakfast and drive to Thimphu. On the way stop at Tamchu, its private temple built by Thong Tong Gyelpo Great Tibetan saint specialist in black smiting and also it is believed that he has constructed 108 iron bridges around the Himalayan region. Drive 1 hr and make visit to giant Buddha started in year 2005 by many people donating for its construction. While driving to Takin mini zoo stop at Memorial stupa built in Tibetan style by grand queen mother in year 1972 and completed in year 1974. Before lunch visit our national animal mini zoo.

Lunch in town

After lunch visit traditional paper factory and scroll around town. Before 4; 30 pm reach to Tashichodzong sounding to witness folding down of national flag. Visit Tashicho Dzong built by Zhabdrung and latter in 1962 our third king Jigme Dorji Wangchuk enlarged. Its true design constructed without proper drawing and interesting thing about it was they never used nail for joints.

Halt in Thimphu Hotel

Day 3

After breakfast drive to fishing spot.

Lunch at fishing point

Full day Catch and release fly fishing. Halt in Thimphu

Day 4

After breakfast do biking till base of Tango Monastery and visit Buddhist collage headed by young reincarnation of religious leader know as Desi Tenzin Rabgay.

Have hot packed lunch near river

Ride back to town and visit CFM constructed by government for the public where they can sell their organic vegetables and many more products. Before going to hotel watch Archery match which is our traditional game!

Halt in Thimphu Hotel

Day 5

After breakfast drive to Punakha which is about 3 hrs drive. Stop at Dochu la 3140 Mts, pass between Thimphu and Punakha. On clear day you will see the snow capped ranges of Jigme Singay Wangchuk National park. Sit for Hot tea. While driving down to punakha, you will feel the changes in climate as you are going to descent till 1700 Mts. Maple, fir, elder tree, Daft Bamboos , fern makes the mixture in forest. Lobesa is small town in the junction of Punakha, Trongsa, and Gelephu high way where you will find buyer and seller hustling with different products.

Lunch in chime lhakhang cafe.

After lunch hike for 25 minutes to visit Chimmi Lhaking temple of fertility in common built by cousin brother of divine mad man where he subdued three sisters demon and buried and converted into protective deity know as Chokiim which you will see that black outside of temple. Drive around 30 minutes and visit huge and beautiful Fortress of Punakha located between two river known as Pho Chu and mo chu means male and female rivers. Its built by Zhabdrung in year 1637 and served as capital for more than 300 years. It also hold historic background as our first king is also enthrone in year 1907 in this Dzong. He was granted title Sir by British mission after making a good relationship between Tibet and British.

Halt in Punakha Hotel.

Day 6

Early breakfast drive to base of khamsum Yulley Namgyel for river rafting.

Hot Lunch near dzong

After Lunch rafting till Damchen resort.

Halt in Punakha Hotel

Day 7

Early breakfast and drive around 6 hrs to reach Trongsa. Stop for photo of Wangdi Dzong, burnt down by fire in year 2012. Your drive will ascend till Pelala 3945 Mts. You can farewell by saying “Kiki Laso Lha Gyel Lo”, whenever you come across passes. While descending down from pass you will see first small settlement of Longtoie and Longmey, who normally depends on yak and medicinal mushroom.Take short rest near huge stupa built by lam Sidha known as Chindibji chorten. After lunch crossing Tsangkha temple drive till bird eye view point of Trongsa Dzong for photo.

Halt in Trongsa Hotel

Day 8

Drive after breakfast towards Langthil, high way of Trongsa-Gelephu for watching Golden Langur, which is very rare monkey. Way back, stop at Nunnery where you can see Nuns lifestyle and if time permits visit Trongsa Dzong!

Day 9

Having done with breakfast drive for 2 hrs to reach holiest place of Bhutan blessed by Guru Rimpoche, known as Bumthang. You will come across again passes known as Yotong La 3425 Mts. Road leads through Forest covered by blue pine and bamboo till you reach plain of Bumthang valley.2900Mts. Stop at Yathra Factory for seeing yaks fur products made locally. Head towards Jampa Lhakhang built by again Tibetan king during 7th centuries. Make visit to Kurji Lhakhang which is near to Jampa lhakhang. It has 3 main temples built by mingur tempa, first king and queen mother. You are going to cook Bumthang’s 9 typical food and taste yourself.

Hike till farm house for dinner cooking and halt.

Day 10; Drive till Nasfyel farmhouse and do hiking till Tahung village which will take around 4 hrs. Phebala is pass which will come across while hiking

Packed Lunch at passes 3945 Mts.

Hike down and you will see stupa used in olden day by travelers if night falls during journey. Now you will hike about 30 minutes to reach to village of Tahung which has around 15 house hold. Their source of income is dairy products and agriculture same as their forefather had been practicing. You will be welcomed by local women by dancing.

Do Ara [ Local alcohol ] testing with dinner and halt.

Day 11; After early breakfast drive on unpaved road through different village of Bumthang valley. Make visit to Ugyen choling palace which has museum now a days. Stop at Membar Tso, means burning lake.

Drive back to wangdi Phodrang and halt

Day 12; after early breakfast drive till Lampari and stop for bird watching in botanical garden. We may come across different spices of birds, orchid and rhododendrons.

Lunch in Dochula Café.

Drive towards Paro and check into hotel. Your hot stone bath will be complementary from Taksa Tours And Travel.

Halt in Paro.

Day 13: Go for light breakfast. Our guide and driver will drop at airport to catch your flight and you have to reach before 2 hrs.

Tashi Delek & safe journey

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